February 8th. Deadlift Madness.

February 8th. Deadlift Madness.

Warm-Up 1a.) 3 Way Shoulders (Lateral Raise, Front Raise, Military Press) 2 sets of 10,10,10 reps 1b.) TRX Rows or Bodyweight Pullups 2 sets of 12-15 reps 2a.) DB/KB Farmers Carries 3 sets of 40yards 2b.) Heel Elevated Bodyweight Squats (Preferred on 45lb Iron Plate)...
What does fitness mean to me?

What does fitness mean to me?

For me fitness started at the ripe old age of 8, throwing hay on my family’s farm. After a couple of years, I could tell a noticeable difference in how my body looked and how it performed in sports. From then on, I was hooked. Anything and everything I could do to...
It is Important for Women to Workout

It is Important for Women to Workout

For starters there are the ones that everyone knows like, lowering your risk of heart disease, lowering the risk of diabetes, colon cancers, and drastically decrease the risk of high blood pressure. But there a few that not everyone talks about. Bones, Joints,...
Why use Percentage Based Training?

Why use Percentage Based Training?

Percentage Based Training is a training method using a percentage off of your 1 Rep Max. For example, your program calls for 3 reps of 80% for the working set of your workout. Your 1 rep max is 315 so this means that your working set is 3 reps at 252lbs. 350/.80=...